I started with a coat of China Glaze Dandy Lyin' Around (shimmery white) to start getting a white base going.
Then came the nifty polish I wanted to highlight, Funky Fingers Jawbreaker. There are multicolor hex glitters in a white base, the hexes are small and medium sizes and there is small finer glitter mixed in as well.
The glitter ended up being a bit bright for the look I wanted, I was going for something a bit more subtle. Kinda funny when we're talking about multicolor glitter I know, but... yeah. So here comes two layers of NY Color Pink Champagne which is very sheer, but has a nice pink hue and a touch of shimmer as well.
Not one to stop there, I added a layer of China Glaze Fairy Dust... because pretty!
And since all this would have taken forever to dry, I ended things with Sally Hansen Insta-Dri. Woot!

Ooh, I like what you did with Jawbreaker here!