It's interesting how different the two photos turned out... the color is more like the top photo.
I used two coats of Pebble, but not every nail really needed two coats. A while ago, I read on a blogger's site how much she loved Sally Hansen Debut-Tint and I'm so glad I took her advice and picked up a couple bottles of it on clearance at Ulta- it's awesome!
Debut-Tint doesn't just add gold shimmer, there's also copper and green in there, though the pictures don't do it any justice.
I'm holding a bottle of ShinfulShine Prosecco, someone was asking if there are any dupes for Prosecco out there and I think this layering combo is a decent recreation if you can't get your hands on the hard to find Prosecco. I had to trade for mine, local Walgreen's seem to be slimming down their SinfulShine offerings lately, but thankfully some of the core colors can be found at WalMart.
And yes, I have nubbins again. Le sigh. My right pinky got caught in my dog's collar and snapped right off, all the way down. It would take too long for it to catch up to the others so off they all came. : (

I think I like your combo more than Prosecco! (I did read somewhere that Prosecco is coming to Rite Aid as part of a holiday collection, so that should help some folks, too, if they can wait.)